Wednesday, May 18, 2011

'Songs of Praise' : New Hymn for Today

Songs of Praise  87 87 337
TUNE: Even Me
Lift your hearts up high to heaven,
Praise to God with songs acclaim;
Give Him thanks for Christ, our Saviour,
And give glory to His name.
Praise His name!
Praise His name!
He will set your heart aflame.
Ev’ry creature in God’s kingdom
Join with heaven in hymns of praise;
Let us worship at His altar,
Songs of joy and glory raise.
Praise His name!
Praise His name!
Let us praise Him all our days.
Angels and archangels praise Him,
Join to form the heav’nly choir;
When Christ comes all earth will join them,
Then heav’ns robes we will acquire.
Praise His name!
Praise His name!
To this end we will conspire.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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