Sunday, May 22, 2011

'Thank God' : New Hymn for Today

Thank God   77 77
TUNE: Ever Faithful
Thank God for the gifts He’s given,
Precious Light sent down from heav’n;
Thank Him for the blesséd Way,
Leading onward every day.
Thank God for His precious Word,
And the still, small voice you’ve heard;
Every word a Truth to fill,
Keeps you safe within His will.
Learn and live God’s sacred ways,
Give to Him both thanks and praise;
To Christ’s throne your worship bring,
Praise the everlasting King!
Now, with all your heart and soul,
Praise the Lord who made you whole!
Praise Him that He came to save,
Praise Him for the Life He gave!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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