Saturday, June 4, 2011

'Angels Were Praising' : New Hymn for Today

Angels Were Praising  11 10 11 10 & Refrain
TUNE: One Day
Jesus our Saviour, our Lord and Redeemer,
Came down to earth from God’s heaven above;
Born of a virgin and lain in a manger,
Angels were praising the sign of God’s love.
Stars shone above Him as He was sleeping,
Nobody knew of the pain He would bear;
Jesus came down to bring us to salvation,
And on the cross God’s great love would declare.
One night He prayed all alone in the garden,
Sweat fell like blood, in blessed drops from His frame;
Seeking to serve God, His Father in heaven,
He’d pay the ransom, for sin bear the shame.  
Stars shone above Him as He was sleeping,
Nobody knew of the pain He would bear;
Jesus came down to bring us to salvation,
And on the cross God’s great love would declare.
Nailed to the cross Jesus suffered in sorrow,
He bore the pain our sin caused Him to bear;
He paid the cost for God’s plan of redemption,
He bought our freedom, now naught can compare.
Stars shone above Him as He was sleeping,
Nobody knew of the pain He would bear;
Jesus came down to bring us to salvation,
And on the cross God’s great love would declare.
Now He is risen, and seated in glory,
Waiting the time when the angel choirs sing;
Jesus will come for His people awaiting,
Then we’ll proclaim Him our Saviour and King!
Stars shone above Him as He was sleeping,
Nobody knew of the pain He would bear;
Jesus came down to bring us to salvation,
And on the cross God’s great love would declare.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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