Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Visit to The Cheshire Show (2)

Here's some more photos of our visit to The Cheshire Show on Tuesday. The Huntsmen and hounds were a very popular sight.

This line-up of 'Tractors through the Ages' brought back memories of time spent on the farm during my childhood, and 'Yes!', there was a little grey-painted Fergy' like the one that I was allowed to drive.
 Wherever there are old vehicles, whether they are Classic, Vintage or just plain old work-horses, you will find knots of men and boys gazing at them or discussing their merits and faults.
Most folk like a cavalcade of vintage cars, me included, and these vehicles were making their way to the main ring in order for their owners to show them off in all of their splendour.
 We stood and watched for some time as the prize-winning cattle were paraded around the main arena accompanied by their proud owners or handlers. There were some magnificent cattle amongst them!
The parade of livestock is always a favourite part of the show.
 I think that my favourite animals at the show were undoubtedly the Shire horses. These fabulous beasts are the gentle giants of the farming world, and although horse-power is generally no more to be found, you can still manage to find them working on Rare-bred farms.

All dressed up for the Show, and the prize-winners line up to receive the cups.

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