Tuesday, July 19, 2011

There's Comic Genius and there's Comedy Fraudsters

Night of Comedy for Ray - Hosted by Michael McIntyre
     Every now and then, although unfortunately all too rarely, a comedian enters the Entertainment scene who  ---  to put it bluntly --- is actually funny. For far too long characters posing as comedians have been promoted on our screens, particularly by Channel 4, who are comedy fraudsters. They are not remotely funny, not at least if you are the sort of person who fails to find humour in the gutters and sewers of the society in which we live. Characters like Frankie Boyle and Stewart Lee who believe themselves to be comedians because they are employed as such, and yet whose so-called humour is akin to the sort of product that helps to make rhubarb grow. These sort of characters rely on obscenities, blasphemy and vicious verbal cruelty in their attempts to solicit a snigger from the assembled audience, many of whom I suspect laugh out of embarrassment rather than because they hear any genuine humour. On the other hand, there bursts onto our TV screens the genuine comic genius of someone like Michael McIntyre, voted TV's funniest man and popular with millions of people for the clean-cut humour which he shares. No need for him to sink to the levels that the comedy fraudsters sink to! 
     Michael McIntyre is like an air-freshener being wafted across the stage to clear away the bad odours left by the fraudsters. He does not attempt to shock with obscenities or blasphemies, finds no need to swear or result to the humour found behind the toilet-block amongst pubescent schoolboys. He makes us laugh because he is funny. It's as simple as that. He deserves the title of Britain's funniest man because he undoubtedly is. A ray of light shining through the puerile filth that the comedy fraudsters such as Boyle and Lee leave in their wake. 
     No wonder the lefties and the fraudsters hate  and despise McIntyre! He stands for what they despise --- true comedy. 

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