Friday, September 23, 2011


Following on my previous post about the 14 Predictions made by Revivalist, Andrew Strom, I also publish the following, received from Andrew this morning:

Since I published my "Updated 14 Predictions" there have been some people questioning- "Does Andrew hate the USA? Why is America at the center of these prophecies?"

The reasons are very simple. But first let me say that I love America and it is one of my favorite places on earth.  But this does not stop me seeing the influence that America has been 'broadcasting'.  By far the biggest reason why God has me speak to America in this way is because she is the 'LEADER' in the earth.

It used to be, only 50 years ago, that America mostly spread good things and stood for righteousness far more than evil. But in the last 30 years American culture has changed so much that the "righteousness" she is broadcasting is far outweighed by the moral sickness and perversion. And she is the 'Leader'.

To give just one example of this, the worldwide Pornography industry is based out of America - and makes billions of dollars by spreading perversion and lust around the planet. And that is
only one example. It is the 'YOUTH' worldwide that are getting hit.

But why was America at the center of the "bad" financial prophecies that I put out? Well - it is hitting Europe just as bad. But it is true - America is at the center. 

Here are further reasons:-
- It is not because I "hate" America. I love the place. And the "heartland" of that country has some of the most wonderful people I have ever met.  - But America is the "Leader" in the earth - and this makes for greater influence and greater RESPONSIBILITY. The Bible says
that Leaders will receive a "stricter" judgment. This is exactly what is going on with America right now.

- Also the financial crisis began in the USA. - And I was living in the USA when I published most of those predictions. They will hit other nations, but America is a primary target. Why? Because she is the LEADER. And though she used to be an influence for good, she is now broadcasting a flood of lust, materialism and sickness around the globe.

- People do not realize how all-pervasive American culture is - especially amongst the youth of the world. When American culture turns sick, it affects the entire planet. The youth of the
whole earth watch American music videos, TV, pornography, movies, games, etc,- day and night.  It never used to be this sick but now it is. And it is no exaggeration to say that today America is the number one source of spiritual sickness and corruption amongst Youth worldwide.

You might say- "But other countries are "bad" too. Why pick on America?" I say again that it is because she is the "Leader".   And everything she does influences the nations of the whole earth.

America is also the only historic "Land of Revivals" that the West has left. And she is the "SPIRITUAL" leader in the earth also.  For generations now the church worldwide has looked to the USA for leadership and teaching in Christianity. Now this too is corrupted - and for 30 years now the USA has used its influence to spread "Prosperity" teaching and all kinds of spiritual compromise to other countries - more and more.

I do not believe God can simply sit back and allow this to go on.  He HAS to act - and I believe He is.  If America will not come back to Him through mighty Revival, then judgment is at the doors.

I do not believe I am "picking" on America in saying these things. She is the 'Leader' and everything she puts out is affecting the whole globe.  She is also accountable to God for all He has given her. "To whom much is given, much is required."

For a long time now, God has been watching this mighty tree that He planted turn slowly "poisonous" in its spiritual influence on the earth. The "poison" has spread far and wide. He has decided on a massive 'pruning' operation - to prune the tree right back and hope it comes right. If this does not work, He will cut the tree down. A tree that He loved and nurtured from a tiny seedling.  A tree that used to spread so much good in the earth.  If this great "pruning" does not work He will tear it down because it is bearing such "poisonous" fruit which now outweighs the good.

This is not to say that America does not produce "good" in the earth still. There are wonderful godly people and godly works still based out of that great nation. Its just that for some time now, the spiritual and moral "poison" coming out of her has more and more outweighed it. And this can no longer be allowed to continue.

I truly hope you are not offended, my friends. I hope you can see that a watchman must cry out what he sees. And this is one of the most important things that I see happening in the earth today.  Please understand, I write these things truly out of love, not hate. -Out of hope, not malice.

-Please comment on this article at the following website-

God bless you all!
Andrew Strom.

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