Thursday, September 22, 2011

A few things I'd like to do

There are always lots of things that you say you would love to do and yet which ultimately get left undone simply because you don't make the time, have the money or even because you don't want them enough. Sometimes the pleasure is in simply imagining what it would be like to fulfil the dream, and so you don't even need to do it. Anyway, with all of that in mind, here's a list of things that I would love to be able to experience today, even though most of them are not really possible for various reasons:
  1. Laze by the water's edge by Lake Negratin in Andalusia where we spent a great holiday in a cave house a couple of years ago.
  2. Drive once again in the wonderful 1948 Bentley, registration CTK 990, that I owned back in the late 1960's. It had a Mulliner-Ward body in Goodwood green, and it almost purred as you drove it.
  3. Have the opportunity to sing once more with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I was privileged to do this when I visited Utah in March this year.
  4. Spend just one more day with my late parents so that I could tell them just how much I loved them.
  5. Have a party with all of my friends from around the world as guests.
  6. Spend a day back in my youth with the wisdom of age.
  7. Spend the day on a tropical beach with the sun to keep me warm and my beautiful wife to keep me company.
  8. Visit the Canadian Rockies, armed with my camera.
  9. Swim with dolphins and go whale watching.
  10. Spend the day alone with God in the mountain-top retreat that is Ffald-y-Brenin.

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