Saturday, September 17, 2011

Israel needs prayer for UN summit

On the 22nd September, the UN is holding the tenth anniversary of the anti-Israel Durban Declaration but the UK, Canada and Israel have already announced they will not be attending and there is prayer and pressure for the America to follow them.
“That conference, and the anti-Semitic atmosphere in which it was held, was a particularly unpleasant and divisive chapter in the U.N.’s history. It is not an event that should be celebrated,” said Foreign Secretary William Hague.
The United States and Israel walked out of the original 2001 World Conference against Racism, held under U.N. auspices in Durban, South Africa, over Arab attempts to brand the Jewish state racist.  A follow-up conference in Geneva in 2009 also descended into chaos with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prompting a walk-out when he called Israel “a cruel and repressive racist regime.”  (Reuters)
Palestinians may push for statehood at UN
The next day, Friday 23rd September, may see a showdown between Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with Abbas planning to push for membership for a Palestinian state and Netanyahu arguing against it.
“Despite the pressures that we face, Palestine goes to the UN on the 23rd of this month to seek admission as a full member,” Abbas told Egyptian TV on Wednesday.
The United States has threatened to veto the move if it is made in the UN Security Council, saying it would harm prospects for peace talks and that a Palestinian state can only result from negotiations with Israel. Britain has not yet made its position clear.
Confusingly, the Palestinian envoy to the UN said the Palestinian leadership has not yet decided whether to seek full membership and on Wednesday Abbas assured Saudi and European officials that he would  not press for statehood.
Israelis strengthening security in Judea and Samaria (the so-called ‘West Bank’) ahead of expected Palestinian violence to coincide with the UN move.
Turkey rattles its sabres but Greece is a friend in need
Meanwhile, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Tunisians last Thursday that  his country could have frigates and assault vessels in the eastern Mediterranean “at any time” to ensure freedom of movement. 
“Israel will not be able to move in the eastern Mediterranean as it wishes,” Erdogan said at a joint news conference with his counterpart, Interim Prime Minister Beji Caid el Sebsi. “It will see our determination in this regard.”
The comment follows the expulsion of Israel’s ambassador and  its other high-level diplomats from Ankara in the wake of the Mavi Marmara Gaza flotilla affair in May 2010, and raises the spectre of a possible maritime confrontation with the Israeli navy.
On the positive side, Israel and Greece have invoked their new, secret mutual defense pact to counter heavy Turkish sea and air movements in the eastern Mediterranean. They also agreed to share intelligence.  Israel’s expanded cabinet of eight was called into session over the Turkish threat to its off-shore oil and gas rigs.
Comment: The fact that a 'Palestinian parliament in waiting' has been recognised by the UN is, in itself, a complete travesty, for Palestine is only a State in the minds of those who wish it to be. There is no historical fact behind it, and it is yet another example of the attempts by Islam to dominate the world from a religious standpoint. They see the establishment of a Palestinian State as being a decisive move towards the ultimate total annihilation of Israel. It is completely understandable in the light of this that Islamic nations such as Turkey will offer support for both the notion and establishment of such a completely new State. It is less understandable why nations such as Britain are dithering in their support of Israel, unless one considers the implications of the power of the oil-rich Arab world as opposed to the oil-hungry nations such as Britain.

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