Thursday, September 22, 2011

Leonard Ravenhill on the subject of 'Prayer'

Leonard Ravenhill was a man truly inspired by God because he spent so much of his life in communion with God. This is why his words are still able to impact upon us today just as readily as on the day that he first uttered them. In this short video he talks about the amount of time that we spend alone with God, speaking with Him, worshipping Him and above all listening to Him. In other words, the amount of time that we spend in prayer. Leonard Ravenhill spend many hours every day in prayer, and God's anointing was on his ministry, and I believe that it still is, for even though he is now in Glory he still reaches tens of thousands through all that he's left behind in books and videos. I certainly thank God for the ministry that He blessed Leonard Ravenhill with, and for the way in which His ministry impacts upon mine.

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