Monday, September 12, 2011

A visit to Lacock Abbey, in the National Trust village of Lacock, Wiltshire

     Last Friday my nephew was married in Wiltshire and we were privileged to be amongst the guests invited to what turned out to be the most perfect wedding that I have ever attended. On the way back on the Saturday, we went to visit the National Trust village of Lacock, and Lacock Abbey, a house that I remember from attending Hunt Balls back in the 1950/60's. It was great to visit it as a tourist/visitor for a change, because I got to see far more than on my visits of fifty years ago. 
     The Abbey was used quite extensively in the filming of the Harry Potter series of films, as can be seen from the following pictures.

 The Cloisters

 The giant Cauldron
 The kitchens

 A child's bedroom
Section of the Great Hall

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