Saturday, October 8, 2011

Anwar al-Awlaki—bridge builder?

Over the past several weeks Act for America have talked a lot about “information warfare,” and how the Muslim Brotherhood and its front organizations in America have used it to successfully deceive and mislead many government officials, military leaders, members of the media, and academics.

This past September 11th, national security and terrorism correspondent Patrick Poole posted a well-researched commentary exposing how government Muslim outreach programs have frequently failed, leaving government officials with egg on their faces.

These programs often fail because too many in government fall for the disinformation they are fed. Regardless of the reason—ignorance, political correctness, gullibility, naivete’, willful blindness—the fact remains that these government outreach programs are littered with failures.

Perhaps the most notable example is that of Abdurahman Alamoudi, once the “go to” Muslim in Washington, now serving a 23 year prison sentence.

The “establishment media” play an important role in the Muslim Brotherhood information warfare campaign. On September 30th, in the “PJ Tatler,” Poole does a “rewind” in which he reminds anyone who will pay attention how jihadist leader Anwar al-Awlaki was once highly regarded.

Here are just two of Poole’s posts. Even if you don’t read them, the titles tell it all.

Rewind: New York Times hailed Awlaki as “a new generation of Muslim leader”

Rewind: NPR says Awlaki can “build bridges between Islam and the West”

Anwar al-Awlaki—“bridge builder.” It would be comic if it weren’t so tragic.

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