Friday, November 18, 2011

Christmas Story --- plus a couple more

     Last December I wrote a short story, based on my own memories, about a small boy waking up in the early hours of Christmas Day. It was called One Christmas Morning : Recollections of a Small Boy, and to my pleasurable surprise it has been read by a tremendous number of folk. In fact, it receives a great number of 'hits' every day, and it's tremendous that it gives so much pleasure to people. If you have not yet read it, then you can find it by following this link.
     Because of the widespread success of this story I recently wrote two more in the same series of recollections. The first of these recalls my summer holidays from long ago, and it is titled One Summer's Day: Recollections of a Small Boy, and you can read it by following this link. The second, which was written a couple of weeks ago, recalls a typical 'Bonfire Night' from my childhood, and it is called One Bonfire Night: Recollections of a Small Boy. You can read the story of how we built our bonfires, often raiding other boy's fires to increase the size of our own, and the consequent necessity to guard our pile of wood, sticks and cardboard with almost military precision planning. Read also about the big night itself when we cooked potatoes in the embers. You can find it by following this link.
     Are these refllective stories the birth of a new book? I'm not sure as yet, but I think it would be a good idea. Have a read of them and see what you think. I hope you enjoy them!

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