Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm currently reading ... 'Revival Praying' by Leonard Ravenhill

I'm currently about halfway through this Spirit-inspired book by the late Leonard Ravenhill, and I completely concur with the writer of the following review which comes from the Amazon website.

     'REVIVAL PRAYING is one of the best books on prayer. In fact, I would rate it just a bit ahead of Leonard Ravenhill's best known book, WHY REVIVAL TARRIES?. The book focuses not on revival as much as prayer. It is Ravenhill's firm belief that we lack a true sense and awe of God's holiness and majesty because we don't pray (Luke 18:1). Despite the church being very active in politics, programs, and everything else under the sun, the average church's prayer meeting is either non-existent or lacking. For example a local church near me boasts in their 500 members but only 6 usually come to their prayer meeting. How sad!
     If you are a weak, defeated, sinning, dead in your sins, no hunger for God "Christian" then please don't read this book on prayer. Try a lighter book such as Bill Hybels' TOO BUSY NOT TO PRAY but don't read any books by Tozer, Wesley, Ravenhill, M'Cheyne, Morgan, Torrey, or any other of the older saints of God (Colossians 4:2; 1 Thess. 5:17; James 5:16). These books are not books on HOW to pray but are written to encourage those who DO pray (Matthew 7:7-11; Luke 11:1; Acts 2:42; Romans 12:12).'

Of course, if all you do is read this book and then put it back on your bookshelf then you will have only got a taste of a good book. What you need to do is to pray before, during and after you read it, begging God to help you apply the wisdom and truths found in it to your own life, for this is a Spirit-inspired book which has the ability to change your life if you so desire and so permit.

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