Saturday, November 12, 2011

London Pride or Tesco Shame?

     Why on earth has Tesco, probably the UK's largest retailer, aligned itself to the aggressive political organisation Pride London? Having decided to break its sponsorship of Cancer Research after a decade of support, why not give their support to another of the many deserving mainstream charities that exist in the UK? Why choose instead to lend its support to a political organisation set up to promote the rights, real or perceived, of the homosexual minority in the UK?
      There are homosexuals and Lesbians in every area of the population, including those who suffer with various disabilities and illnesses, so why single them out as though they are separate to the population rather than a part of it, albeit in a minority which, according to the Office for National Statistics, represents slightly over one percent of the populace?
     That figure means that on average, only one percent of Tesco's customers are likely to be either homosexual or Lesbian, and yet Tesco chiefs obviously feel that it is a good thing to promote their political credo over the more obvious charitable needs of the whole population. In my opinion, that is unacceptable, and furthermore, is contemptuous of all those members of society who believe that the principles laid down in the Bible should be adhered to. 
     For this reason I join with others in calling for a boycott of Tesco unless and until they remove themselves from the support given to any political body, Pride London or any other. My message to Tesco is therefore, that they should stick to selling groceries.

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