Thursday, December 8, 2011

Germany's Current Attempt to Control Europe Must Fail!

Germany is so persistent when it comes to their desire to dominate and control Europe, and the current attempt by this German Chancellor must be made to fail just as the attempt by another German Chancellor did in the Second World War.
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Back in 1914-1918 we defeated Kaiser Bill.
Adolf Hitler giving the Nazi salute during a rally in 1939.
In 1939-1945 we defeated Adolf Hitler
In 2011-201? will we defeat Angela Merkel?
    What we need is a leader with the courage of Winston Churchill who is not afraid to face up to the bullying tactics of German Chancellor Merkel and her French poodle. Is David Cameron strong enough? Personally I doubt it. He says one thing when challenged by one group and another when faced with opposition from a different source. 

    Just as history has judged the failures of the last two German attempts at dominating Europe so it will judge the current attempt. The last two attempts were won by the people. Let us ensure that the current attempt is won by people power as well!

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