Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Very Happy Christmas to All My Readers

     We grow up with different ideas about the meaning of Christmas, and we conjure up different images according to which idea we focus on. For some the true meaning of Christmas is lost amidst the desire to get bigger and better and more presents each year, and about eating and drinking as much as possible. In the Western world, despite the current economic woes, the majority of folk will still enjoy more or less the same sort of feast that they usually do. Now, there is nothing wrong with a feast, but there is a lot wrong with focusing only on yourself. 
     The real story of Christmas, sung by carollers like those in the picture above which depicts a Victorian Christmas scene, is the story of how God came down to dwell amongst mankind in order to offer the world a plan whereby mankind can shake off the bonds of sin and embrace the arms of heaven.
     Christ is the reason for the season. He came to give life, not to take it; to give joy to others rather than selfishly being concerned only about His own pleasure. It is in the baby in the manger that we find the real meaning of Christmas. The meaning is love and sacrificial giving, leading to eternal life.
     This Christmas, why not determine to give and share rather than take and hoard. If you do, then you will start to discover the true meaning of Christmas, and discover the joy of being loved because you love others enough to share what you have with them.
I wish every one of you a 
Peaceful and Joyful Christmas!

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