Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Happy, Peaceful & Prosperous New Year for 2012 to all of my readers.

2011 is on the way out and by this time tomorrow we will be celebrating the first day of 2012.

It only seems a short time since we were looking forward to celebrating the new millennium! So much has happened during the first eleven years of this new millennium, not least of all the economic woes that have affected most folk in some way or another.

We have experienced increasing lawlessness in our nations and increasing violence on our streets. Figures show that throughout all of the problems here in the United Kingdom, the church, both leadership and body, have proved their ineffectiveness. The figureheads of mainstream denominations, when it comes to leadership and example, have been weak and ineffective.

I have said before, and will repeat many times in the future, that unless and until this nation bows before God and repents of its ways then things will worsen. A nation cannot turn its collective back upon God and when times are good and then expect Him to get them out of trouble when they are bad.

It is time for a National Day of Prayer. Why wait for politicians who are more concerned with votes to keep them in power than honouring God, or for Church leaders such as the Archbishop of Canterbury who appear too weak-willed to call the people to their knees in repentance? 

The time is long overdue for those who claim to be Christians to lead the way by example. It's time for Vicars, Priests-in-Charge, Pastors, Ministers, Priests --- whatever the title may be --- to open their churches and for the people to go and renew their  commitment to God and to Christ. It's time for those with a message from God to the people to take that message and proclaim it boldly and without fear throughout the land.

Of course there will be countless numbers who continue to reject God and all that He stands for, but if they continue to do so in this eleventh hour then they are foolish and unconcerned for their future.
  • Are YOU a follower of Jesus Christ?
  • Will YOU lead the way in your community?
  • Will YOU repent and seek God in all things?
  • When Christ returns, will YOU be amongst those caught up in the rapture or will YOU be one of those left behind?
Nobody else can make the decisions for you, only YOU can do that. Don't delay, make 2012 a Year of Prayer and make it the year when YOU turned your life around so that YOU face life in the right direction!

I wish every one of you a truly blessed New Year!

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