Thursday, December 29, 2011

Let's make 2012 a Year of Prayer

Almost the close of another year which means that we enter into a new year filled with fresh opportunities to serve the Lord. Let us make it a Year of Intercessionary Prayer for people to know  Christ.

Paul urges us to 'Pray without ceasing.' It is obedience to this call that produces the results associated with lasting prayer. Those Christians who pray the most accomplish the most, and lasting prayer brings about lasting revival.

The late Leonard Ravenhill, a great man of God and man of prayer, wrote:
"Prayer does not condition God; prayer conditions us. Prayer does not win God to our view; it reveals God's view to us. Prayer is not merit, so that by withdrawing from the world we of necessity gain special favours from God. If you ask why we emphasise prayer so much and so often, we reply, "Because Jesus did so." The Gospel by Luke gives account of whole nights spent in prayer by the Saviour. Are we better than He?" (Revival Praying (p124) : Leonard Ravenhill : Bethany House).

So why should 2012 be a Year of Prayer? Simply because God calls us to pray without ceasing. That's good enough for me.

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