Sunday, March 18, 2012

'Man gives birth.' What a load of rubbish!!!

     The media recently carried a story which claimed that a man had become pregnant and given birth, and subsequently another story appeared, much lower profile, that 'he' had split from 'his' partner soon afterwards because of the stress that the publicity had caused. 
     If it was true then it would certainly be sensational, but of course it is completely untrue. Any sensible person knows that the physical make-up of a male makes it impossible for them to conceive because, amongst other rather important things, a man does not have a womb, and so even if a fertilised egg was used, there would be nowhere to place it and let it grow.
     No, the truth of this story is that a woman who had had her appearance altered to look like a man as part of a trans-gender sex-change, gave birth, having retained her female genitalia, ovaries and womb. 
     Not a miracle at all then, really? No, just a bit of newspaper hype to tickle the appetites of some sensation-seekers.

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