Thursday, April 26, 2012

A beautiful surprise with Sam!

I was out with my little dog, Sam, this morning, on one of his favourite walks close by our home. As I approached a small public garden that was on our way I couldn't help thinking once again just how beautiful the flowering cherry trees are at this time of year, and so I took the shot below on my mobile phone to share with you, dear reader.
We walked through this little garden as well, with its view of the Cenotaph war memorial. For some reason, now long-forgotten, we call this place 'The Secret Garden,' although it's not really very secret at all, being on the road junction for all to see or walk through. I guess that it's just what some would refer to as "a little bit of romantic nonsense" but we love it!
This building is the old Cottage Hospital, although nowadays it's used as offices. The flower-bed to the fore is a fairly recent addition and has certainly brightened the place up.
 I hope that you enjoyed seeing some of the things we saw this morning!

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