Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm Not Ashamed of The Cross!

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Not Ashamed of the Cross
An initiative of
Christian Concern
Sunday Telegraph - You have no right to wear the cross. Shirley Chaplin and David Cameron
Act Now to Safeguard Freedom
Not Ashamed of the Cross:
standing with Shirley, for the cross
Today is Good Friday – the day marking Jesus' death upon a cross to rescue His people. The cross is an enduring symbol of the good news of that rescue.
And yet today the place of the cross is questioned in our society – part of a wider trend to push the Christian faith out of public and professional life.
Shirley Chaplin was barred from wearing her confirmation cross after nearly thirty years in front line nursing. Now hers is one of four landmark Christian freedom cases going to the European Court of Human Rights.
Before Christmas, David Cameron said that 'we are a Christian Country. And we should not be afraid to say so.' Just this week, he told church leaders that 'the values of the Bible, the values of Christianity are the values that we need.' And recently his spokesman said that 'the PM's personal view is that people should be able to wear crosses.'
And yet the British Government is not supporting Shirley as her case goes to the European Court of Human Rights and has even suggested that the cross is not a generally recognised form of practising the Christian faith.
We need to ask: 'What does the Government really believe about Shirley's cross?'
So today Christian Concern is launching the Not Ashamed of the Cross campaign to urge the Prime Minister and the Government to support Shirley and historic Christian freedoms – to stand with Shirley, and stand for the cross.
We are asking you to contact the Prime Minister and your MP to ensure that the Government changes its official position and brings it into line with the Prime Minister’s public statements.
Please join us in standing with Shirley and protecting Christian freedoms.
Act Now to Safeguard Freedom
Meet Shirley - Hear Her Story Support Shirley - Send a Postcard
Red Band

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