Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Hymn for Today : 'Lord, Here I Am'

              Lord, Here I Am 11 10 11 10 11 10
TUNE: Finlandia
As Samuel lay at rest in deepest slumber,
He heard a voice that called him in the night;
It was the Lord, though Samuel answered Eli,
The lamp was dim instead of burning bright.
He knelt to say that he had heard him calling,
That he had heard him calling in the night.
Then once again he heard the soft voice calling,
And so he went to kneel at Eli’s side;
He gently told him, ‘Here I am to serve you,’
But Eli said it was not him who cried.
Then Samuel said that he had heard him calling,,
That he had heard him calling in the night.
Once more as Samuel rested in his slumber,
The voice called out in yet more urgent tone;
Then Eli knew it was the Lord’s voice calling,
So told the boy again he should lie down.
When once again the Lord called out to Samuel,
He answered Him, and served Him at His throne.
Speak, Lord, this servant now Your voice is hearing,
I’m waiting now to serve and do Your will;
Now I will ever be Your faithful servant,
Doing each task You call me to fulfil.
‘Lord, here I am,’ now Samuel’s words I echo,
And I’ll serve You, until this world is still.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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