Thursday, May 31, 2012

There is a need to preach the TRUE Gospel!

     How true this quotation from Ray Comfort is! In churches and chapels across our land there are many preachers occupying pulpits who have no gifting to preach and no holy and anointed calling to the pulpit. Instead of the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ they preach various other false gospels such as the Prosperity Gospel and the Social Gospel. The power of salvation is not in these empty gospels because all they are is a bunch of words strung together which are designed to tickle the ears of the listener. There is no anointing on either the preacher or the message.
     The message of the Gospel is about Salvation through Jesus Christ. It's all about the reason that God sent him in the beginning and the reason that He died on the cross at Calvary. It's about forgiveness from sin and reconciliation and repatriation to God.
     It's not about get-rich-quick entitlements, nor about social issues. It's not about angel visitations, nor is it about sprinklings of gold dust. It's not about making you feel good and superior to your neighbour, nor is it about being worthy of God's grace.
     It's all about a rescue plan for the lost, for people dead in sin who have a desperate need of revival --- and revival is about bringing what is dead back to life. 
     The plan is God's plan for mankind, not mankind's plan for God. We cannot earn salvation and redemption, but we can obtain it as a gift from God according to His grace.  By demonstrating faith in Christ and believing on Him as Saviour and acknowledging Him as Lord, we are blessed with the gift of salvation.
     Christ is the only way; there is no other way to be with the Father except through Him (John 14:6).

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