Sunday, June 3, 2012

A new 'Hymn for Today' : 'Give Thanks'

Give Thanks    8787
From Psalm 107
TUNE: Wisdom
Give thanks to God, for He is good!
His love is long enduring;
He calls us home to be with Him,
Our pains and ills He’s curing.
From east and west, from north and south,
From desert land and mountain,
He calls us all to be with Him,
To drink from Zion’s fountain.
Some sit in dark and deepest gloom,
God breaks them with hard labour;
Then snaps their chains and shows His love,
To bring them to His favour.
He breaks their prison gates of bronze,
Casts iron bars asunder;
He speaks in tones of purest love,
His voice like rolling thunder.
He calls the raging storms to still,
When we cry out and tremble;
Then whispers He, the winds to calm,
And brings peace to His temple.
Give thanks to God, for He is good!
He cures our every sorrow;
He is our great unchanging Lord,
Who blesses our tomorrow.
 © 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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