Friday, June 15, 2012

A new 'Hymn for Today' : 'Marching to Zion'

Marching to Zion  7777 D
We are marching to Zion
In the footsteps of our Lord;
Carrying Truth’s banner high,
And the power of God’s Word.
We are marching to Zion,
We are marching to Zion,
We are marching to Zion,
In the footsteps of our Lord!
We are marching to Zion,
We are marching to Zion,
We are marching to Zion,
In the footsteps of our Lord!
We’re sustained by our Saviour
Through the mighty power of prayer;
We are marching with Jesus,
Very soon we will be there!
We are marching to Zion ...
The helmet of Salvation
Helps us overcome the world;
We are marching to Zion,
And Christ’s banner is unfurled!
We are marching to Zion ...
We’re marching ever onward,
And now Zion is in sight,
The breastplate of righteousness
Will protect us through the night.
We are marching to Zion ...
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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