Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New 'Hymn for Today' : 'Walking in the Power'

Today's 'Hymn for Today' is great for a Full Gospel choir to sing, but it's also great to sing on your own or in your congregation. Why not try it out and see for yourself.  The music was composed by my songwriting partner, Greg Scheer.

Walking in the Power
TUNE: Balfour
I’m walking in the power of Jesus,
The power of the Son of God.
I’m walking in the power of Jesus,
The power of the Son of God.
Walking in the power,
Ev’ry minute, ev’ry hour,
Walking in the power of God!

I’m walking in the power of the Spirit,
The power of the Spirit of God.
I’m walking in the power of the Spirit,
The power of the Spirit of God.
Walking in the power,
Ev’ry minute, ev’ry hour,
Walking in the power of God!

I’m walking in the power of the Father, 
The power of almighty God.
I’m walking in the power of the Father, 
The power of almighty God.
Walking in the power,
Ev’ry minute, ev’ry hour,
Walking in the power of God!
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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