Friday, June 8, 2012

A new 'Hymn for Today' : 'We Want to Thank You, Lord'

We Want to Thank You, Lord  88 886
TUNE: St Margaret
For every blessing from above,
for every gift that shows God’s love;
for all that helps us understand
the gentle movement of God’s hand,
we want to thank You, Lord.
For everything You give each day,
for every word we hear You say;
for all that makes this earthly life,
in times of joy and times of strife,
we want to thank You, Lord.
For faith that comes to us through grace,
that brings salvation to our race,
that gives us hope that, whilst we live,
reborn, our souls to You we give;
we want to thank You, Lord.
So now, through all our length of days,
we’ll sing to You our songs of praise;
then all our worship to You bring,
to praise You as our mighty King,
then we will thank You, Lord.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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