Friday, July 13, 2012

New Hymn for Today: 'Lambs of the Shepherd'

Something a little different for my 'Hymn for Today' sung to the tune 'Glorious Peace' which was written by Daniel O Teasley (1911-19 ?). Even though I wrote the words only last year, this would not have been out of place in Sankey's day. The message though, is just as relevant today. 
Lambs of the Shepherd 7777 + Refrain
TUNE: Glorious Peace

We’re the lambs of the Shepherd,
Who often go far astray;
When we lose the narrow path
You can hear our Shepherd say:
Call to me little lambs,
I’ll hear your worried cry;
I will bring you safely home
In the sweet, sweet bye and bye.

We’re the lambs of the Shepherd,
We’ll answer Him when we roam;
He’ll take us on His shoulder,
And carry us safely home.
Call to me little lambs,
I’ll hear your worried cry;
I will bring you safely home
In the sweet, sweet bye and bye.

We’re the lambs of the Shepherd,
We know the sound of His voice;
He calls us to the sheepfold,
And we enter in by choice.
Call to me little lambs,
I’ll hear your worried cry,
I will bring you safely home
In the sweet, sweet bye and bye.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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