Thursday, July 12, 2012

New 'Hymn for Today' : 'There Will Come A Time'

I hope you enjoy praising God with my choice for the 'Hymn for Today,' and that you will introduce it into the worship at your church.

There Will Come a Time DSM
TUNE: Diademata

There’ll come a time one day,
When all the world finds peace;
When lion lays down with the lamb,
And every war will cease.
Then Christ will rule as King;
Rule over all the earth;
Then man will bow before their Lord,
And live the second birth!

Then on that glorious day,
We’ll stand in God’s own light;
There’ll be no pain or sickness there,
There’ll be no day and night.
Then Christ will rule as King;
Rule over all the earth;
Then man will bow before their Lord,
And live the second birth!

We’ll join in heaven’s choir,
Our voices lift in praise;
We’ll glorify our Lord and king,
Through our eternal days!
Then Christ will rule as King;
Rule over all the earth;
Then man will bow before their Lord,
And live the second birth!
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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