Sunday, July 1, 2012

Questions & Answers regarding Evolution

The following arrived on my desk recently and I think it deserves as  wide an readership as possible, so I'm sharing it with all of you  folk.

Basic Questions Evolutionists Can’t Answer
By Thomas F. Heinze

Evolutionists wake up each morning to tiptoe around important problems their worldview won’t let them resolve. For example:

Where did matter come from? Evolutionists generally follow the atheists in saying: “From the Big Bang, an explosion.” They convince themselves that a made-up explosion called the Big Bang which exists only in their imagination was different from all explosions that people have actually observed. They think the Big Bang produced matter! Explosions that we observe don’t produce matter. Real estate people don’t drop bombs on houses to fix leaky roofs. Explosions don’t do anything like what evolutionists claim the imaginary Big Bang did.

The earth is still Hot:
Volcanic eruptions attest that the earth is hot. If evolutionists were right and earth is billions of years old, it would have been cooling off for billions of years. Why does hot lava still spill out?

Evolutionists accept the atheist’s claim that some of the matter produced by the imagined big bang came together and made a living cell which then evolved becoming different kinds of cells, animals, and highly intelligent people like you. They imagine that all of this was unguided, that God was not involved!

God does not share this opinion! He says that He created, and that he did not just make an original simple cell. He made animals and people. (Genesis 1 and 2).

The idea of a “simple cell” was invented when the fantastic complexity of even the smallest cells was still unknown.  Cells were little, so people claimed they were simple. Actually even some of the parts they are made of: DNA, RNA, and proteins are very complex, but this was not yet known.

With better microscopes etc. it became clear that a living cell was so complex that its spontaneous generation would have been impossible. However, the idea that the first cell was an exception to the rule had already become a tradition. Atheists and evolutionists still believe in a first living cell that began without a creator. They have just quit calling its beginning “spontaneous generation.”

One part of their brains knows that DNA and various other components of living things are far too complex to have come about without a creator. Other parts of their brains believe that it must have happened once: “the first cell,” and that all living things evolved from it. To believe that there is no God evolutionists are stuck with spontaneous generation, though to avoid the stigma of the term they often call it something else. By any other name it still stinks.

Long ages:
For a single cell to have gradually increased in complexity to form people, its DNA  would have to have become that of plants, animals and people. This seems very unlikely! In our experience unguided changes in things that work, are more likely to break them than to make them become new different things that are more complex. The evolutionist’s explanation: “Unlikely events could happen because there was so much time.” They claim billions of years! Since you and I don’t understand billions of years, what can we say?

But did the first living single cell have billions of years to develop and evolve? There are ways to find out:

The Sea:
Even if we assume that the sea originally had no salt at all, and that all the sea’s saltiness accumulated at something like today’s rate, it would not take even one billion years, let alone the billions of years evolutionists think evolution would have needed. Russell Humphries has estimated that the maximum time sea salt has been accumulating would not be over 62 million years even if the ocean started with no salt at all. There is no reason to believe that God did not create the ocean with some salt already in it. I think He put in a lot. In any event, the time allowed by sea salt accumulation is many times less than evolutionists think evolution would have required. 

River Deltas
A glance at a world map will show you that river deltas are short: from very short up to a length of 100 to 150 miles. Had billions of years passed as evolutionists believe, some deltas would be long enough to circle the earth! The shortness of the world’s river deltas is evidence that the time required for evolution did not exist.

River deltas are straightforward. You can see how they formed by looking at a map. You don’t have to interpret tough concepts like radiometric dating which evolutionists use to support a very old earth. Deltas show that the earth is either young, or a huge flood washed the deltas away, or both.

The origin of information (particularly that in DNA): 
Evolutionists claim that random accidental changes to DNA called mutations have produced ever increasing information that gradually transformed the DNA of a single celled animal into the more complex DNA in the human body.

Random mutations destroy information, they don’t invent it. Random keystrokes don’t write books. They cause typos! Evolutionist’s can’t account for the huge amount of organized information contained in DNA. They  hope that the first DNA was formed by random movements of atoms, and was then improved by random mutations of DNA. But, DNA contains the most information concentrated in the smallest space! The idea that random movements built DNA is preposterous! Minds produce and organize information. Random changes don’t.

Random changes will never transform your car into a Ferrari. They will reduce it to junk! Neither did they produce DNA. Your DNA contains the huge amount of information necessary for building and maintaining you. That was not an accident. It was planned that way by God!

How did life start?
Most atheists and evolutionists claim that life began when little blobs got together in a pool of warmish water. (Imagine blobs in a mud puddle.) The microscopes of 100 years ago, were too primitive to disprove the idea, so it became a tradition. But the muddled minds of misguided men misunderstand mud! The prehistoric mud puddle would have to have to have provided not blobs but living cells complete with DNA, proteins, and other complex materials that pools of water can neither make nor organize. Not even great scientists in great laboratories can make living cells!

The warm pond idea became a sacred tradition when DNA, proteins, etc. were as yet unknown. Evolutionists today know that warm ponds could not have made living things, but many still copy and paste that stupid old tradition to confuse the gullible.

Only God could create living things, and He could do it with or without mud puddles!

Which evolved first, male sex organs or female sex organs? Male sex organs are so different from female sex organs that neither could possibly have evolved from the other. Neither could either have evolved without the other! Think that through! Evolution could not make either male or female, but both would have been necessary at each stage of their supposed evolution.

Sexual reproduction could only have been successful if male and female organs fit one another and worked together at each stage from their very beginning. The only reasonable explanation is that both were created on purpose by an intelligent creator.

Since evolution could neither produce a male sex organ nor a female sex organ, there is no way evolution can explain sexual reproduction. Evolutionists have tried to give evolutionary explanations. I have read their feeble pitiable attempts.

Feel sorry for your evolutionist friends! If you don’t know enough to help them find God, ask them how sexual reproduction evolved. They will discover for themselves that evolution has no workable answer. If they look up the answers of other evolutionists, ask them to judge for themselves how stupid each answer is on a scale of one through ten. None are even half way reasonable! The evidence points to a Creator.

If there had been even one generation in which sexual reproduction was not already complete and functioning, those who believe it gradually evolved would not even exist! 

Tom Heinze

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