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Saturday, July 21, 2012

'Refuge' : 'Hymn for Today'

Here's my choice for my 'Hymn for Today' which I hope you like enough to sing it in your worship service.

Refuge   6666
(From Psalm 121)
TUNE: St. Cecilia

The hills are calling me,
Declaring Your great pow’r,
You are my refuge Lord,
In every sacred hour.
My trust I place in You,
Who made the heav’n and earth;
You keep me safe from harm,
Protecting me since birth.
You keep watch over me,
You plan the paths I take,
That I may safely walk,
And never You forsake.
You keep me safe, O Lord,
According to Your will;
To bring me safely home,
When time for me is still.
© 2007 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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