Monday, October 1, 2012

Hymn for Today: 'All for Jesus, Great Redeemer'

Here is my choice for the 'Hymn for Today' which I hope you will sing at your worship services.

All for Jesus, Great Redeemer  87 87
TUNE: Beecher
All for Jesus, great Redeemer,
I surrender heart and soul;
All for Jesus, all for Jesus,
He’s restored me, made me whole.
All for Jesus, all for Jesus,
I am His throughout my days;
All for Jesus, all for Jesus,
I will live a life of praise.
All for Jesus, gracious Saviour,
Till I meet Him face to face;
All for Jesus, all for Jesus,
Stand restored by divine grace.
All for Jesus, all for Jesus,
Voice and hands to Him I raise;
All for Jesus, all for Jesus,
I will sing eternal praise!
© 2011 :  Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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