Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Hymn for Advent: 'Guiding Star'

Here is a simple Advent song which is well-suited to All-Age-Worship. I hope you like it and will include it in your forthcoming Advent celebration services.

Guiding Star   5556
TUNE: Starlight

May the guiding star
Lead us all the way;
To the stable bare,
Where baby Jesus lay.

See it brightly glow
In the midnight sky;
God has let us know
His love in manger lie.

Brilliant and bright,
In the sky above,
Telling of God’s Light,
It tells us of God’s love.

Children all around,
Praise the Lord today;
For God’s guiding star
Has led them all the way. 
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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