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Friday, November 30, 2012

Advent Hymn: 'To The Stable'

'Calon Lân' is a favourite Welsh hymn tune in chapels and churches across the land, and I wrote the words to this Advent hymn to the tune back in December 2006. It has proved a firm favourite with many folk since then.
I hope you will enjoy it and use it in your worship services this Advent time.

To the Stable 8787 
TUNE: Calon Lân

Hurry down to that small stable,
With star shining bright above,
See the infant in the manger,
Look on Him with eyes of love.
See the face of mother Mary,
Glowing softly in the light,
She has borne the Son of Heaven,
To the world this holy night.

In the fields the shepherds watching,
Heard the angel choir above;
Saw the star that shone so brightly,
Telling all of God’s great love.
Wise men from the east came quickly,
Worshipping the Christ-child there;
Bringing royal gifts a-plenty,
Gold and frankincense and myrrh.

From the darkness of that stable,
From the simple infant birth,
Came the glory of the Father,
Bringing light upon the earth.
Light that all the blind may see,
Light that shines from Christ alone,
Through the grace of God the Father
Can be ours to have and own.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

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