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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

'After Christmas' --- a poem

After Christmas
 The tinsel now is put away,
We’ve discarded all the holly,
now memories begin to fade
of those few brief days, so jolly.
The batteries in the children’s toys
Have died and lost their power;
The tree’s shed all its needles,
And the pot plant’s lost its flower.
We search to find some food to eat,
But the turkey seems so sad,
That piece of cheese we overlooked
Is dressed up … going bad.
We’ve all blown our diets
And loosened up our things,
Made New Year Resolutions
That we shall break by spring!
But wait … think for a moment
Of the reason it was there:
A child, born in a manger,
Empty, rude and bare.
He came as God’s great gift to man,
Eternity to save.
He’ll never fade or lose His power,
Nor shed the love of that precious hour.
In Him we’ll find the food to fill
Our hearts and minds, to do His will.
When trimmings are all packed and gone,
Still the message of the infant Son.
A message of Joy … a message of Love,
A gift to us from God above.
© 1998 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh 

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