Thursday, January 10, 2013

On the subject of Revival

Revival Image

     If you are serious about praying for revival then you are already alive in Christ and have already been revived yourself.
     Revival is needed for things that have become dead, for how can you revive what is already alive?
     That which needs revival is the church that has become complacent and lazy when it comes to the matters of God. For far too long the Church has followed its own agenda rather than God's, and has led worshippers astray by the liberal teaching of false gospels rather than sharing the healing, reviving Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's time to pray for the Holy Spirit to come down and visit our nation with the purifying fire of revival.
     The task of the Gospel preacher is not to fill the pews but to speak God's truth. That way he will be filling the halls of heaven. What comfort will it be in the next life if all people have been fed with in this life are the things that made them feel comfortable in the pew.
     I think that there was good reason for pews to be made of solid wood rather than letting folk sit in comfortable armchairs!

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