Sunday, March 24, 2013

A New Hymn for Today: "Alleluia!"

Here is my choice of hymn for today. I hope you enjoy singing it. Please feel free to share it with your friends, download it for use in your worship service or just sing along at home. Use in your service needs to be reported to CCLI, and you may copy it and print off as many copies as you need.

Alleluia! 8787
TUNE: All for Jesus 

Alleluia! Praise and glory,
Give to Jesus Christ the Lord.
His the everlasting story,
Saviour in a dying world.

He has come to show God’s mercy,
To an unbelieving world;
He has come to grant forgiveness,
He is Jesus Christ, the Lord.

He will guide you on life’s pathway,
Keep you on the narrow way;
He is ever walking with you,
Leading you both night and day.

Alleluia! Sing His praises!
Worship Him, the Saviour King.
Give Him glory, for He’s worthy,
To His feet your tributes bring!
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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