Thursday, March 14, 2013

A new 'Hymn for Today' : "Oh, the Wonder!"

Oh, the Wonder!  8787
TUNE: Blaenwern
Saviour, now I hear you calling
Me to serve You here below;
Blessed Jesus, I will follow,
Where You lead me I will go.
Oh, the wonder!  Oh, the rapture!
Precious Saviour, I am free!
Oh, the wonder!  Oh, the rapture!
Purest joy of serving Thee.
In my waking and my sleeping,
At the morn or eventide,
Holy Spirit in this temple,
As my Comforter and Guide.
Oh, the wonder!  Oh, the rapture! . . .
Knowing You are always near me,
Walking always by my side,
Ever safely watching o’er me,
Blessed Saviour, friend and guide.
Oh, the wonder!  Oh, the rapture!  . . .
I acknowledge You as Saviour,
Who hung there upon the tree,
Worship You, my blest Redeemer,
Son of God who died for me.
Oh, the wonder!  Oh, the rapture!  . . .
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

You have a choice of two tunes for this hymn. The first is a new tune composed by Linda M Price and the second is the familiar Welsh tune "Blaenwern."

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