Friday, June 28, 2013

My choice for the 'Hymn for Today' : "Abundant Life"

Abundant Life   7676 D
TUNE: Angel’s Story

I stand in awe of  Jesus,
My Saviour and my Lord;
He is the true salvation,
He is the Living Word.
He came to earth to save us,
From sin to set us free;
He came for our redemption,
To rescue you and me.
He is the path to heaven,
The Life, the Truth, the Way,
There is no other pathway,
No matter what men say.
He’ll comfort you in sorrow,
And lead you by the hand,
From darkness into glory,
On to the promised land.
O, holy, holy, holy,
The choir of angels sings;
For each soul that is rescued,
To Jesus glory brings.
He is the mighty Saviour,
Who rescues us from strife,
Who heals us when we’re broken,
And gives abundant life.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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