Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My choice for the 'Hymn for Today : "His Grace"

His Grace  
TUNE: Buckland  77 77
We’re saved by the grace of Christ,
Saved by God’s redeeming love;
We can serve Him here below ,
Till we meet with Him above.

We’ll meet up in heav’n one day,
Then see Jesus face to face;
Worshipping in glory there,
We will praise Him for His grace.

We will know our dear Lord’s love,
 Blessing us upon the earth;
We will meet redemptive power,
Gifted through the Saviour’s birth.

Long to stand before Him now,
Gazing on His holy face;
Worship Him with joy and love,
Glorify his perfect grace.
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

The tune @buckland' was composed by Leighton George Hayne (1836 - 1883) and is used to sing the hymn "Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep."  You can listen to the tune by following this link.

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