Monday, June 3, 2013

Redefinition of Marriage Bill

     Tomorrow, 4th June, the House of Lords will consider the Bill to Redefine Marriage. It's interesting that the government take on this ill-thought out proposal to allow people of the same sex to marry is that it is supported by a majority of people, yet that is not what I, or many others like myself, have found when discussing it with people. Although I have found a few who say that they don't care what happens, the majority of people to whom I have spoken about the bill are firmly opposed to it. I have to draw the conclusion that a poll that was unbiased in its wording would probably reflect that fact that most people do not support the Bill, although probably most people don't care enough to voice their opposition to it as long as it doesn't affect them personally. 
     As with so many other ill-thought out schemes of this and previous governments, should this Bill pass into Law then the problems arising from it will begin to show themselves in a very short space of time. In my opinion, this Bill rides roughshod over God's plan for humanity, and as history has proved in past years, the end result will be catastrophe for every nation which adopts similar measures. It is impossible to defy God and still think that He will bless our nation.

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