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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Funeral Poems: "Softly" by Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Softly the leaves of memory fall,
Gently I gather and treasure them all.
Unseen, unheard,
You are always near,
So missed, so loved, so very dear.
Softly the light from the stars above,
Glinting and twinkling their message of love.
Unseen, unheard,
You are always near,
So missed, so loved, so very dear.
Softly the sound in heaven above,
Silent the words to my whispered love;
Unseen, unheard,
You are always near,
So missed, so loved, so very dear.
© 2013 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

I wrote this earlier this year, for use at funeral services, and it has proven to be very popular. 

My choice for the "Hymn for Today" is "The Spirit's Fire"

The Spirit’s Fire 7676
TUNE: Cara
A mighty wind around us,
Is rushing through this place;
God ‘s Spirit full surrounds us,
Defeating time and space.
The Spirit’s fire consuming,
We burn with faith’s desire;
God’s mighty pow’r upon us,
We blaze with holy fire.
Christ calls on us to serve Him,
To witness to His love;
To love and serve our neighbour,
And praise our God above.
Let’s all proclaim His message,
And be His hands and feet;
When we serve Christ our Saviour,
Our lives are made complete.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Friday, August 30, 2013

Samantha Link sings "Love Alone"

The beautiful Samantha Link sings "Love Alone", the new Celtic song from Colin Gordon-Farleigh and Tony Seeger. The use of the Seraph Harp Guitar, played by composer Tony Seeger, creates a distinctively baroque feel whilst still fitting well into the Celtic mood. The talented Catherine Ashcroft plays whistle, giving this song a hauntingly beautiful sound. The song  is well-matched by the video created by Rose Summer.  Please share it with your friends as much as you can.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Alistair Griffin & Leddra Chapman sing "The One"

I really love this song!
Every now and then a song comes along that I simply cannot hear too many times, and"The One" is certainly one of those songs as far as I'm concerned. Every time it comes on my car radio I turn the sound up and let the music wash over me.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A hymn for use in the Harvest Festival service

We are on the doorstep of September, and it's only a hop, skip and a jump away from Harvest Festival celebrations throughout the land. Check out my Hymn for Harvest on YouTube, and then look at the score and lyrics which you can copy and paste. Let your church join the scores of others in singing this hymn this Harvest Season.

Harvest Time
TUNE: Harvest

See, the land is ripe for harvest,
Look ye upward for your Lord,
He will soon appear in glory,
As He promised in His Word.
He’s returning for the faithful.
For those who know Him true:
Make quite certain you are ready
When He calls out loud for you.
The land is ripe, the land is ripe,
The fields are white as new:
Hasten now to reap the crops,
For the labourers are but few.

We’re told it’s just a twinkling
Of an eye, it is so brief.
He’ll return in clouds of glory
For those with firm belief.
Yes, the land is ripe for harvest,
For the people to go home,
Yes, the land is ripe for harvest,
As He calls us for His own.
The land is ripe, the land is ripe,
The fields are white as new:
Hasten now to reap the crops,
For the labourers are but few.
© 2006 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Julie Rheaume sings "Runaway"

I'm keeping a close watch on the rising career of singer Julie Rheaume who you can see and here on this YouTube video of Julie singing "Runaway" which is a good rocking  piece of music. Enjoy!

'Hymn for Today' : "Rejoice"

Try singing this beautiful song of praise today to worship the everlasting and almighty God who is our Father in Heaven. Feel free to share it with your friends and sing it during your Worship Service or Assembly, but please report its use to CCLI in the usual way as necessary.

Rejoice   86 86
TUNE: Rejoice

Forever in Your rest, I pray,
Your peace is all to me:
Forever in Your rest I’ll stay,
Since You have set me free.

My life is all I have to give,
All else is naught to Thee:
My Saviour, take me as I am,
Then Yours I’ll ever be.

Forever raise in songs of praise,
My hands, my heart and voice:
Forever Yours, I’ll praise You,
Rejoice, my soul, rejoice!
Rejoice, my soul, rejoice!
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh  

Psalm 118:24 --- "This is the day that the Lord has made"

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).
Another new day to praise God for the blessing of life! Another new day to rejoice in the myriad blessings that it will be filled with. Another new day to be thankful for love and friendship.

Praise the Lord because He is gracious!

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Season of Mists & Mellow Fruitfulness

     In a few days time it will be September, the Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness. It's a time of the year that I really love for its colours and always the promise of something special. I recall many happy times in the past when I have been out in the early morning, walking over fields heavy with dew, mist clinging to me making my clothes damp, the early morning sun pale through it all, as I picked mushrooms to take home for my breakfast. Of course, there were forays into the countryside later in the day too, once the sun was properly up, as I searched, paper-bag or plastic container in hand, for the best blackberries that the hedgerow could yield. How delicious they would be mixed with apples from the tree in the garden and cooked in a pie, the golden pastry beckoning you to have another slice.
     Afternoon walks in the Autumn air would yield a treat of another kind, for scuffing through the woodland walks we would chance upon a Hazel tree laden with nuts. There was always enough to share with the squirrels!
     Autumnal sunsets have a beauty all of their own too, with the golds, reds and russets of the trees and hedgerows reflected in the sunset.
     How much there is to be grateful for! All of this beauty to enjoy and never the need to buy a ticket to go and see it!

My choice for the 'Hymn for Today' : "Freedom"

Here is my choice for the "Hymn for Today" which I hope you will sing in praise and share with your friends.  Feel free to use it in your worship service or school assembly, but please report the use to CCLI in the usual way.

Freedom  77 77
TUNE: Monkland 

Freedom comes through Christ the Lord,
He’s the living, breathing Word;
Broken now the pow’r of sin,
Let the Light come flooding in.

When upon His name we call,
Grace and mercy comes to all;
He has beaten death and grave,
Jesus Christ came down to save.

Reconciled, redeemed, forgiv’n,
We will be with Him in Heav’n;
But, whilst here on earth we stay,
We must serve Him ev’ry day.

Precious freedom wrought with love,
Perfect gift from Christ above;
From the grip of sin set free, 
We must always holy be.

Keep the straight and narrow way,
Walking with Him day by day.
Ev’ry moment serve the Lord,
As he teaches in His Word.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Sunday, August 25, 2013

My choice for the 'Hymn for Today' : "I Will Love You"

I Will Love You
TUNE: Everlasting Love
Jesus, Son of God, the mighty Saviour,
Is waiting at the doorway of your soul;
His arms are open wide in welcome,
Call Him in, His love will make you whole.

Listen now, His voice is gently calling,
Hear the words with which He makes His sacred vow;
I’ll be with you from the start,
In your head and in your heart:
I am calling you to walk beside Me now.
I will love you with a love that’s everlasting,
I will hold you close whenever you feel sad;
I will catch you if you ever fall or stumble,
I will share your joy whenever you are glad.

I’ll be there to answer when you call Me,
I’m inviting you to walk with Me awhile;
I’ll be there right from the start,
In your head and in your heart:
I have come to take your hand and set you free.
I will love you with a love that’s everlasting,
I’ll hold you close whenever you feel sad;
I will catch you if you ever fall or stumble,
I will share your joy whenever you are glad.

I will catch you if you ever fall or stumble,
I will share your joy whenever you are glad.
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Monday, August 19, 2013

"Wild Horses (Beneath A Raging Moon)" sung by Byron J Bryce

      I grew up listening to some of the great Country Music story songs that were around in the 1950's and that was in my mind when I wrote "Wild Horses" originally. The music is by my songwriting partner, Greg Scheer.
      I'm really pleased with the way in which Dave Demay has produced the song at Song City Studios in Nashville, and Byron J Bryce brings it to life.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Samantha Link to release new song on the Sheer Joy Music label

Here is the new cover for the great new Celtic song which Samantha Link has recorded, and which is due for release by Sheer Joy Music  in the next few days. What a pleasure it was to work with such a professional!
"Love Alone"  is composed by Colin Gordon-Farleigh and Tony Seeger, and will be available to download from CD Baby, iTunes and Amazon in a week's time.

The wonder of creation in all of its glory!

A reminder of Spring.
Feeling a little blue? A walk through a bluebell wood will bring joy into your life once more! 
There is nothing like a walk in the forest to help you refocus your life. 
Half-way through August already, and soon it will be September --- a time of mist and mellow fruitfulness. 
There is something magical about sunset reflections on water, as this picture shows so well. 
Florida Keys, and the setting sun displays God's creative beauty perfectly.
What a wonderful world we are blessed with!

God is Always There .....

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

'Old Flame' --- a poem by Colin Gordon-Farleigh

 Old Flame

My memory plays the tricks
of age, making the lines
and shadows disappear
from your face.
I catch your eye, and
turning half away,
you beckon with a look
for me to follow.
Your hand slips
comfortably into mine
and we move off into the night,
there to live our
shared fantasies:
and then my head jerks,
lolling, half asleep in
my chair,
half-remembered dreams,
I wake,
seeing you there
across the room,
and then
I light the flame once more
a thousand times.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh

First published in Fragments of Earth : Voice Publications 2006
ISBN 0-9553583-1-0

My choice for the "Hymn for Today" : 'Glory, Hallelujah!'

Glory, Hallelujah!
TUNE: Triumph
Yours is the mighty triumph Lord,
and Yours the victory;
and You came down to earth from Heav’n,
to set all people free.
     We will share in Your great triumph, Lord;
     We’ll worship and we’ll praise.
     We’ll sing ‘Glory, Hallelujah!’
     Through Heaven’s eternal days!
When we commit to firm belief,
and claim You as our own,
our Lord and Saviour You will be,
Lord Jesus, You alone.
     We will share in Your great triumph, Lord . . .
We’ll glorify Your holy Name,
we’ll praise and worship You;
be witnesses to Your great love,
in ev’rything we do.
     We will share in Your great triumph, Lord, . . .
Triumphant praise we’ll sing aloud,
we’ll worship You as Lord.
You give to us eternal life,
as promised in the Word.
     We will share in Your great triumph, Lord, . . .
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

News about Maddie Kae and WKDO 99.5

You may well be hearing Maddie Kae singing on Indiana's Country Radio Station before too long, so keep on listening ...

Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Shake the Dust" sung by Byron J Bryce

Check out this great video by my friend Rose Summer for the demo of my song recorded recently by Byron J Bryce in Nashville. If you would like to record this song please contact me at Sheer Joy Music.

16th Avenue Tiled Steps project in San Fransisco

This is an amazing hidden gem by Grand View Park. Bring a picnic, and couple this with a walk up to the top of the park for amazing views of the entire city and a wonderful afternoon.  Discover more about the project by visiting the website

A visit to Arley Hall in Cheshire

Arley Hall in Cheshire is a wonderful place to visit not far from my home, with beautiful gardens to walk around, attractive in all weathers to the discerning eye. 
the ancestral home of the Warburton family, the first hall was built in 1470 on land owned by the family since 1200.  the current owner and custodian of the hall is Viscount Ashbrook, a direct descendant of the Warburton on his mother's side.  As is the case with many large estates, the current building is not the original, and was subjected to much change and modernization during the course of its lifetime, until today the hall is a beautiful example of a Victorian Country House, built in the Elizabethan style.
It is a place of great historical interest as well as a place of beauty, a family home which is shared with the wider public, both through its Open Days and the functions that take place there.  For those interested in the history of the house, there are over 6000 documents, including accounts and receipts, which help to document the life of the building over the years.  This important collection of data gives an invaluable insight into the life and working of the Country House and its Estates in  the latter half of the 18th century.
To find out more you can visit the Arley Hall archive website.

My choice of 'Hymn for Today' : "Walking Your Way."

Walking Your Way 8787
TUNE: Wellesley
Your hand in mine, walking Your way,
In Your footsteps now I tread;
Speaking Your words, sharing Your love,
You in my heart and my head.

We are seeking, Your lambs to bring
Back to the Good Shepherds fold;
Coming to the loving Father,
To glory and grace untold.

Saviour divine, You’re the new wine,
The sum of the Father’s love;
I’ll walk this land, Your hand in mine,
Serving the kingdom above.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Monday, August 5, 2013

Gary McCray sings "Momma Knew How to Pray"

Here is another great song composed and sung by the Country Music Gentleman, Gary McCray, whom I am privileged to count as a friend.

Primeval Playground : Balancing Rocks, Epworth, Zimbabwe

Primeval Playground
Near to Epworth Mission, just outside Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, are the enormous granite rock formations, precariously balanced  one upon another, known as Balancing Rocks.

No man-made thing,
this miracle wrought by Nature;
conglomerate of granite
formed by an eternity of erosion,
weathered by frost and rain
to blossom in rotund perfection.

Surely, in some historic past,
this must have been
the playground of some giant,
balancing the fiery crystal
precariously, rock upon rock,
daring the wind to blow.

In some far-distant aeon
Bushmen’s primitive talents stirred,
using the canvas of the rock-face
to portray their fears and elations:
the hunter and the hunted,
the dreamer and the realist.

Children now dance and sing
casting reflections of their ancestors.
See their upturned eyes,
the wonder of innocence,
darting like unseen shadows
between the balancing rocks.

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh 2006  

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gary McCray sings 'I Don't Love You any Less'

I love this song by the great Country Gentleman, Gary McCray. Check it out for yourself and also check out Gary's music on his website.

My choice of 'Hymn for Today' : "So We Gather"

So We Gather 8787 8887   
TUNE: Montclair
Here in our land, made by God’s hand,
We must worship Christ the King.
Each December light the ember,
To His feet our tributes bring.
So we gather all together,
Never mind the wintry weather,
We will worship Christ the Saviour,
Facing heaven our praises ring.
He has come to give us new life,
Giving sight to those in need;
He’ll revive our fainting spirit,
When His precious words we heed.
So we gather all together,
Glorifying God for ever,
We will worship Christ the Saviour,
Facing heaven our praises ring.
Let us sing our praises to Him,
Let us fall on bended knee.
Let His glory tell the story,
How He came to set us free.
So we gather all together,
In our Lord we’ll live forever;
We will worship Christ the Saviour,
Facing heaven our praises ring.
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Please feel free to use and share this hymn as freely as you like, but if you sing it in your worship services or school assembly, please notify CCLI in the usual way.

"Lord, teach us to pray ....."

Please feel free to use these images in your church magazine or bulletin, and share them via your social media such as Facebook and Twitter. 

"Old Flames" sung by Jim Whitman.

Another beautiful song from the talented Jim Whitman, with a great video to match from Rose Summer.