Saturday, August 10, 2013

A visit to Arley Hall in Cheshire

Arley Hall in Cheshire is a wonderful place to visit not far from my home, with beautiful gardens to walk around, attractive in all weathers to the discerning eye. 
the ancestral home of the Warburton family, the first hall was built in 1470 on land owned by the family since 1200.  the current owner and custodian of the hall is Viscount Ashbrook, a direct descendant of the Warburton on his mother's side.  As is the case with many large estates, the current building is not the original, and was subjected to much change and modernization during the course of its lifetime, until today the hall is a beautiful example of a Victorian Country House, built in the Elizabethan style.
It is a place of great historical interest as well as a place of beauty, a family home which is shared with the wider public, both through its Open Days and the functions that take place there.  For those interested in the history of the house, there are over 6000 documents, including accounts and receipts, which help to document the life of the building over the years.  This important collection of data gives an invaluable insight into the life and working of the Country House and its Estates in  the latter half of the 18th century.
To find out more you can visit the Arley Hall archive website.

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