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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Jesus It's Me Again - Charely Pride - Dick Damron - 2009 Tribute Concert

Check out this tribute to the legendary Dick Damron, celebrating 50 years in the Country Music business.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

"Where Did You Go?" : New song from Lauralei

Check out the latest jazz song from Lauralei, "Where Did You Go." 
Written by songwriting duo Colin Gordon-Farleigh and Greg Scheer, this jazz/blues number brings out all that's best in Lauralei's voice, and is available on the SJM label.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

An Advent Hymn by Colin Gordon-Farleigh : "Emmanuel Now"

      Soon we will be celebrating Advent in the run up to Christmas, and so I thought it fitting to share "Emmanuel Now", which is one of my Advent Hymns, with you today. 
      Please feel free to share it with your friends, and perhaps you would also visit my Facebook page, Hymns by Colin Gordon-Farleigh, and click on the Like Button for me.

Emmanuel Now
Angels are singing, high up in heaven,
Church bells are ringing on earth down below;
The world’s celebrating,
The birth of the Christ Child,
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
His glory does show!

Shepherds in fields were watching and waiting,
God’s angel singing, and all heavens ring.
He told them how God’s Light,
Would banish the darkness,
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
All worship the King!

Bright star is shining, high in the night sky,
Stopped o’er the stable where Jesus, He lay.
The  babe in the manger,
God’s love and God’s glory;
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
Asleep in the hay.

Softly and gently, Mary is singing,
We kneel to praise Him with kings from afar;
The oxen are lowing,
As all join in worship;
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
All follow the star.

Lifting our voices, we sing our praises,
With heav’nly choirs our worship we bring.
We tell the great story
Of Jesus the Saviour,
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
We worship our King!
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Happy Hanukkah!

I wish all of my Jewish friends and readers a very Happy Chanukah on the 28th and throughout the celebrations. If you are travelling to be with your families then I wish you travelling mercies, and pray that you will arrive safely for the celebration.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wonder how many of my friends in the USA will be travelling to spend quality time with their families over Thanksgiving. For any of you who are travelling, I pray that you will have a safe journey, and a wonderful time when you arrive!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New CD from Samantha Link - "Every Breath"

Great news!!! Samantha Link's fabulous new CD "Every Breath" will soon be available to buy for all of your friends as the best stocking filler possible.  Check it out at today.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Wild Horses (Beneath the Raging Moon) - Byron J Bryce

A story song about a shotgun wedding, with lyrics from Colin Gordon-Farleigh, music by Greg Scheer . Recorded and produced by Dave Demay at Song City Studios, Nashville
Video shot entirely on location. 
Feel free to share it with your friends! You can download this song from iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby, so why not do it NOW!

Chuck Longmayne sings 'We All Need Our Heroes'.wmv

Sometimes we all need to be reminded about the folk that we meet along the way on our lifetime journey, and who help to make us into the people we become. They are so often the unsung heroes of our childhood years, folk who were so full of love for others that they spent their lives helping them. This song celebrates them all.
Please feel free to share it as much as you wish to. You can download the track from iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby, so why not do it NOW!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Darren Mullan sings "Forever Friend"

Here is a beautiful song to play today. Sung by Australian Singer/Musician/Producer, Darren Mullan , "Forever Friend" is a great song written by song-writing duo Colin Gordon-Farleigh and Greg Scheer. I hope you enjoy it. Please share it on your Timeline with your friends. 
The song is available to download from iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby, so why not download it today!

Friday, November 22, 2013


Gary McCray = Great Country Music Star + "Let Me Have the Chance to Love You" = Great Country song.
Add the two together and you get a great song sung by a great singer!
What more could you wish for? Check it out on YouTube today without delay!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

News from Sheer Joy Music: Lauralei to release new track "Where Did You Go?"

Lots of exciting news coming up very soon from Sheer Joy Music. Amongst other things, keep a watch out for the new track cut by the fabulous Lauralei which is titled "Where Did You Go?" 
This is another track in a similar vein to her huge hit "What Did You Mean", and I expect that it will be as popular with everyone as well. The song is in the Jazz genre, along the lines of the hugely talented Norah Jones , so if you like her then you will surely love Lauralei.

I have heard the rough mix and the track promises to be great once the final mix is done.
You can download "What Did You Mean" from iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby.

"Heartbreak Mountain" sung by Gary McCray

Another great song from the huge talent of a true Country Music Gentleman, my friend Gary McCray. Check it out on Youtube, enjoy it and then share it on your Timeline, 'cos this is a song that really deserves to be listened to.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

It's a dog's Life! Cats stealing the dog's basket.

Cats Stealing Dogs' Beds from iluvanimals on GodTube.
We have a "Naughty Tortie" who does this to our little dog!

Wild Horses (Beneath A Raging Moon) sung by Byron J Bryce

A great song to set your feet tapping and do a little line-dancing! Written by Colin Gordon-Farleigh and Greg Scheer, and sung by Byron J Bryce, the track was produced by Dave Demay at Song City Studios, Nashville. You can download it from iTunes, CD Baby or Amazon, so why not do so today and enjoy it forever!

Rainbow mountains: Zhangye Danxia landform in Gansu, China

Zhangye Danxia landform in Gansu, China
The beautiful rainbow formation of the range is the result of red sandstone and mineral deposits being laid down for over 24 million years

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A great love-song to celebrate your anniversary

Alan Watson, Runcorn's "Mr Smooth", sings this beautiful ballad to serenade the love of your life with as part of your anniversary celebrations. The song is from Alan's CD, Taking It Easy available to download from iTunes, CD Baby and Amazon.

Great Christian Quotes of William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army

"I must assert in the most unqualified way that it is primarily and mainly for the sake of saving the soul that I seek the salvation of the body." 

"But what is the use of preaching the Gospel to men whose whole attention is concentrated upon a mad, desperate struggle to keep themselves alive?"

"It is impossible to comfort men's hearts with the love of God when their feet are perishing with cold."

"No sort of defense is needed for preaching outdoors, but it would take a very strong argument to prove that a man who has never preached beyond the walls of his meetinghouse has done his duty. A defense is required for services within buildings rather than for worship outside of them."

"'Not called!' did you say? 'Not heard the call,' I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father's house and bid their brothers and sisters not to come there. Then look Christ in the face whose mercy you have professed to obey and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world."

"To get a man soundly saved it is not enough to put on him a pair of new breeches, to give him regular work, or even to give him a University education. These things are all outside a man, and if the inside remains unchanged you have wasted your labor. You must in some way or other graft upon the man's nature a new nature, which has in it the element of the Divine."

"The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, heaven without hell."

"Go for souls. Go straight for souls, and go for the worst."

"While women weep, as they do now, I'll fight
While little children go hungry, as they do now, I'll fight
While men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I'll fight
While there is a drunkard left, 
While there is a poor lost girl upon the streets, 
While there remains one dark soul without the light of God, 
I'll fight-I'll fight to the very end!"

"Work as if everything depended upon work and pray as if everything depended upon prayer."

"Look! Don't be deceived by appearances - men and things are not what they seem. All who are not on the rock are in the sea!"

A bunch of Great Christian Quotes

"Their eyes are dry, their sense of sin absent; nor is there any sign of penitence and contrition... But oh, if there were conviction! if they came with hearts bowed down, yea! broken and contrite, came with the cry of the guilt-laden soul... what converts they would be!"
- Oswald J. Smith

"In prayer I was exceedingly enlarged and my soul was as much drawn out as I ever remember it to have been in my life. I was in such anguish, and pleaded with so much earnestness and importunity, that when I rose from my knees I felt extremely weak and overcome I could scarcely walk straight."
- David Brainerd

"Prayer was his one great solace, and his tears would often stain the altar steps, where he sought aid from heaven against the vile and corrupt age".
- From 'Girolamo Savonarola' by David Smithers.

"I had not discoursed long when the congregation melted into tears... a little boy about seven or eight years of age cried out exceeding piteously indeed and wept as though his little heart would break. I asked the little boy what he cried for. He answered 'my sins!' I then asked him what he wanted. He answered, 'Christ!'
... Many of the assembled were deeply affected, groaning and sobbing; there was a great weeping and mourning."
- William Bramwell

"When the conviction as to its mental process reaches its crisis, the person, through weakness, is unable to sit or stand, and either kneels or lies down. A great number of convicted persons in this town and neighborhood, and now I believe in all directions in the north where the Revival prevails, are "smitten down" ... They fall with a deep groan... with the intensely earnest plea, 'Lord Jesus, have mercy on my soul!'"
- The Irish Revival, 1859.

"The power of God was present. They came to be saved, and were not disappointed. The sobs and cries were wonderful. It seemed as if God had come down in terror and power; as if the Spirit were passing through every region of every soul... until the whole soul, collecting all its energies into one out-cry for mercy, exclaimed, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner, what must I do to be saved? Save, Lord, or I perish! O, save or I sink into hell. Heal my soul for I have sinned against Thee!"
- James Caughey

"Forgiveness is the key which unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness. The forgiveness of Jesus not only takes away our sins, it makes them as if they had never been."
- Corrie ten Boom

A man had an illiterate pastor. When someone questioned him about it, the man said, "Well, I'd rather hear a preacher say, "I seen," who saw something, than to hear one say "I saw," who ain't saw nothin'."

- Anonymous

"It is impossible to be a true soldier of Jesus Christ and not fight."
- J. Gresham Machen

Hayley Oliver sings "I Only Want to Love You Forever"

What a wonderful way to start the day, listening to a track by the amazing Hayley Oliver. Can it get better than this!
If you haven't already got the new CD, "Abinger Road" by Hayley Oliver and The Hayley Oliver Band then rush out and order it today! I can recommend every track on it!

Dick Damron sings "The Wonderful World of Christmas"

I'm getting into Christmas early this year! Here's a great Christmas song, written and sung by my good friend Dick Damron, the legendary Country Music super-star.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

"Rêver/Dreaming" : chanté par Byron J Bryce

Le ton décontracté de "Rêver/Dreaming", écrit par duo de l'écriture de la chanson du coup Colin Gordon-Farleigh et Greg Scheer, et chanté par Byron J Bryce, vous rappelle les jours paresseux, brumeux d'été, et les rêves d'amants ont anticipé.
La chanson a été enregistrée récemment à Nashville--- la maison de Musique country. Supporté par une grande vidéo produite par Rose Summer, c'est une grande chanson de Pays pour vous pour aimer.

Cette chanson est disponible à télécharger d'iTunes, Amazone et CD Baby, donc pourquoi ne le télécharge pas aujourd'hui et l'aime toujours!

"Secouez la Poussière/Shake the Dust" - chanté par Byron J Bryce

      "Secouez la Poussière/Shake the Dust", écrite par duo de la chanson-écriture Colin Gordon-Farleigh et Greg Scheer, et chanté par Byron J Bryce, a été enregistré récemment à Nashville--- la maison de Musique country. Supporté par une grande vidéo produite par Rose summer, c'est une grande chanson de Pays pour vous pour aimer.
      Cette chanson est disponible à télécharger d'iTunes, Amazone et CD Baby, donc pourquoi ne le télécharge pas aujourd'hui et l'aime toujours!

Une chanson pour votre Anniversaire : "Sérénade anniversaire" chantée par Alan Watson

      Voici une belle chanson anniversaire partager avec celui vous aimez sur votre anniversaire spécial. Avec paroles par Colin Gordon-Farleigh et musique par Andrew Millinchip, c'est la chanson parfaite pour l'occasion!
      Cette chanson est disponible à télécharger d'iTunes, Amazone et CD Baby, donc pourquoi ne le télécharge pas aujourd'hui et l'aime toujours!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Spiritual Man

"The spiritual man habitually makes eternity-judgments instead of time-judgments. By faith he rises above the tug of earth and the flow of time and learns to think and feel as one who has already left the world and gone to join the innumerable company of angels and the general assembly and Church of the First-born which are written in heaven. Such a man would rather be useful than famous and would rather serve than be served. And all this must be by the operation of the Holy Spirit within him. No man can become spiritual by himself. Only the free Spirit can make a man spiritual."
- A.W.Tozer