Wednesday, November 27, 2013

An Advent Hymn by Colin Gordon-Farleigh : "Emmanuel Now"

      Soon we will be celebrating Advent in the run up to Christmas, and so I thought it fitting to share "Emmanuel Now", which is one of my Advent Hymns, with you today. 
      Please feel free to share it with your friends, and perhaps you would also visit my Facebook page, Hymns by Colin Gordon-Farleigh, and click on the Like Button for me.

Emmanuel Now
Angels are singing, high up in heaven,
Church bells are ringing on earth down below;
The world’s celebrating,
The birth of the Christ Child,
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
His glory does show!

Shepherds in fields were watching and waiting,
God’s angel singing, and all heavens ring.
He told them how God’s Light,
Would banish the darkness,
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
All worship the King!

Bright star is shining, high in the night sky,
Stopped o’er the stable where Jesus, He lay.
The  babe in the manger,
God’s love and God’s glory;
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
Asleep in the hay.

Softly and gently, Mary is singing,
We kneel to praise Him with kings from afar;
The oxen are lowing,
As all join in worship;
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
All follow the star.

Lifting our voices, we sing our praises,
With heav’nly choirs our worship we bring.
We tell the great story
Of Jesus the Saviour,
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel now,
We worship our King!
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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