Sunday, December 29, 2013

Jesus bids you "Come to Me" : Worship song from Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Here's a hymn for today to cheer your soul and brighten your day! Sung to the beautiful tune "Here is Love", this hymn reminds us of all that our Saviour, Jesus Christ, offers to us. When He says to us, "Come to Me." then we need to respond with our hearts and commit ourselves to His bidding.

Come to Me   8787 D
Tune: Here is Love

Come to Me when you are weary,
You will find rest for your soul;
‘Come to Me,’ says Christ the Saviour,
And then I will make you whole.
Yoked to Christ, yet free to wander,
No more trouble, no more strife;
Yoked to Christ, yet free to wander,
We’re blessed with the gift of life.

Come to Me when you are troubled,
Tired and weary in your soul;
‘Come to Me,’ says Christ the Saviour,
I have come to make you whole.
Yoked to Christ, yet free to wander,
No more trouble, no more strife;
Yoked to Christ, yet free to wander,
We’re blessed with the gift of life.

Come to Me when your day’s ending,
When your work on earth is done;
‘Come to Me,’ says Christ the Saviour,
For the battle has been won.
Yoked to Christ, yet free to wander,
No more trouble, no more strife;
Yoked to Christ, yet free to wander,
We’re blessed with the gift of life.
 © 2011: Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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