Friday, December 13, 2013

"Jesus, Saviour" : A new hymn for Advent

Here is a new Advent hymn, sung to the well-known tune "All the Way" which I hope you will use in your worship services this Christmas.
Above all, I hope that you will enjoy praising the Lord as you sing it!

Jesus, Saviour 8787 D
TUNE: All the Way
Jesus, Saviour in the manger,
Jesus, infant in the straw;
He has come to bring salvation,
Come to free us from the Law.
Lowly baby in the stable,
Humble infant in the hay;
All the creatures gathered round Him,
He has come to show the way.
All the creatures gathered round Him,
He has come to show the way.

He will point us up to heaven,
When at last He grows to man;
He will carry all our burdens,
Because God decreed He can.
He will save you if you trust Him,
He can free you from all sin;
He’s the Son of God eternal,
Won’t you let the Saviour in.
He’s the Son of God eternal,
Won’t you let the Saviour in.

He is Lord and He is Saviour,
Follow now the guiding star;
Join the shepherds and the wise men
As they travel near and far.
Give to Him your praise and worship,
He will love you to the end;
He will carry you when weary,
He is Master, brother, friend.
He will carry you when weary,
He is Master, brother, friend.
© 2010 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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