Wednesday, October 31, 2007

All-Hallowes Eve. . . and all that!

This is the last day of October, and tonight is
All Halloes Eve.


Well, Did I scare you?

There will be the usual discussions about the Halloween parties and kids dressing up, but what do you think about it? Some argue that Halloween, which originated as a pagan harvest festival and perpetuates themes of witchcraft, black magic and pranksterism, is a Satanic holiday. Others disagree, martialling an array of historical facts to contend that the holiday itself has been unfairly demonized by religious groups. What do you think? Is celebrating Hallowe'en tantamount to devil-worship?

One suggestion is that for those who believe that celebrating Hallowe'en amounts to devil worship, then for them it is devil worship, and if they truly believe this to be the case, then there's no way they can ever celebrate Hallowe'en without it being such. However, if others see it as harmless fun or silly custom then that's all it is for them. It does not make us devil worshippers.

Two sides of the same coin, or something more sinister? You decide.

Certainly, here in the UK, there are many instances of Hallowe'en being used as an excuse to extort 'goodies' or cash from the vulnerable, and damaging their property when the demands are not met. Equally, there are many more examples of children being taken around by caring parents, thereby ensuring the safety of both children and 'victims'. But does any of this make it right or wrong?

Like so much in our lives, the potential is there in Hallowe'en for evil, and so it might be argued that for that reason it's best not to involve ourselves in it. Yet equally, is it not true that there is a potential for evil in almost everything that we do? One thing is for sure, the arguments will rage once again, many getting heated and causing mayhem in people's lives. Is this good?

So, where, you might ask, do I stand? Well, personally, for one thing I'm against the whole idea on the basis that I have seen too many instances of people being frightened and threatened. But far more importantly, I'm against it because I do not believe that the concept would have been celebrated by my Lord, and if it ain't good enough for Him then it ain't good enough for me!

What you do is up to you. Only you can make your own decisions in this matter, as in all things, so if you want to take the kids out and enjoy what you believe is just a bit of harmless fun, then who am I --- or indeed anyone else --- to stop you. Just enjoy the moment! Light the candle in the pumpkin, dress the kids up in their costumes and ENJOY!

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