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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Countdown to Christmas

Just 6 DAYS to go!

Are you ready for Christmas yet?
Are the presents wrapped and done?
Are the cards long-posted since,
each and every one?

Have you been singing Christmas Carols
'till your voice is hoarse and dry?
Have you had some early Christmas Cheer
--- some coffee laced with Rye?

Have you visited the neighbours
and been to every store?
Has your family called and seen you,
(even the one they call 'The Bore')?

Have you planned some great surprises
for the loved ones in your life?
Some very special moments shared
'tween husband and his wife?

Have you seen a thousand Santas
dressed up in white and red;
and perhaps heard sleigh-bells ringing
as you climbed into your bed?

Do you wonder if the snow will come
to fall on Christmas Day?
Do you have room for a stranger,
if one should come to stay?

Have you checked the little manger,
to make sure its got fresh hay;
so that you're ready for the baby
that will lie there Christmas Day?

If the answer's 'YES' to all these things,
then, when all is said and done,
I guess you should be ready
to receive the Holy One!

The One whose birth we celebrate
who brings LIGHT to all mankind;
the little babe who came to save
the poor, the lame, the blind.
Copyright 2007 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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