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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Well, the tree is up!

The Tree is UP!
The tree is up,
and in our room
its lights dispel
the deepest gloom.
Even in the darkest night
they shine and sparkle,
bringing light
to cast away the stress and strain
of money rolling down the drain!
Up near the top --- in brightest gold ---
an angel
looks down upon our fold.
The news calls out our belts to tighten,
yet, here at least,
the news will brighten;
for we will look across our room
and see lights twinkling bright and clear,
reminding us of why it's there.
We will think of stall and manger,
of virgin birth, Herodic danger,
of kings who travelled from afar,
guided by a shining star;
of shepherds who their watch did keep
of cattle lowing, and bleating sheep.
Our minds will travel to that night,
so we can share the glorious sight
of infant babe in manger lay,
and celebrate this Christmas Day!